From Transparent Juices

Victoria Adam, Tom Bull, Anna Paterson and Mira Schendel
Curated by Laura Gonzalez

24th November 2023 - 20th January 2024

Press release
Floor plan

Exhibition view: From transparent juices at LUNGLEY Gallery, London.

From Transparent Juices033

Mira Schendel Untitled (Circa 1965)
Ink on rice paper, 47 x 23 cm.

Exhibition view: From transparent juices at LUNGLEY Gallery, London.

Anna Paterson City (2023)
Oil on paper, pins, 102 x 72 cm.

Anna Paterson City (2023) [Detail]

Exhibition view: From transparent juices at LUNGLEY Gallery, London.

Anna Paterson Untitled (2023)
Oil on papers, pins, 102 x 72 cm.

Anna Paterson Untitled (2023) [Detail]

Exhibition view: From transparent juices at LUNGLEY Gallery, London.

Exhibition view: From transparent juices at LUNGLEY Gallery, London.

Victoria Adam Ponds (hair, withy) (2022)
Paper pulp, grey hairs, copper, willow stem, plywood, varnish, paint; 15 x 21.5 x 2 cm.

Mira Schendel Untitled (1964)
Ink on rice paper, 47 x 23 cm.

Anna Paterson City II (2023)
Oil on papers, pins, 102 x 72 cm.

Anna Paterson City II (2023) [detail]

Victoria Adam Untitled (2023)
Ciment fondue, recycled paper pulp, mixed media, 24 x 17 x 3 cm.

Tom Bull And the Weather in Those Days (2023)
14:15mins, brass, copper, plastic, electronics; 44.5 x 34 x 33 cm.

Tom Bull And the Weather in Those Days (2023) [detail]

Victoria Adam Untitled (2023)
Painted wood, MDF, jesmonite, mixed media, plant; 24 x 17 x 3 cm.

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