Her Vision
Dan He
10th August - 16th September 2023



Dan He (Born 1990 in China) currently lives & works in London. She graduated from the Nanchang University, Jiangxi, China with a Bachelor of Fine Art, Majoring in Art Design (2008 – 2012) before continuing her studies at the Repin Academy of Fine Art, St Petersburg, Russia (2014-2015). In 2020 she moved to London and  successfully completed a MA in painting at Camberwell college of Arts, London (2021-2022).

Exhibition view: Dan He Her Vision at Lungley Gallery.

Human Civilization (2022)
100 x 165 cm Oil on canvas


Dan He Generations 2023
Oil on canvas, 130 x 120 cm.

Alien (2023)
Oil on canvas, 64.5 x 155 cm

Forgotten Aliens On Earth (2023)
Oil on canvas, 93 x 220 cm

Jade Vase I (2023)
Oil on canvas, 90 x 120 cm

Jade Vase II (2023)
Oil on canvas, 120 x 142 cm

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